Freelance Projects Board - Project Management - Tutorial

This video shows the dashboard of the project management module with infographic charts and graphs to visualise and gain strategic insights into your timesheets.

Let's see how to add a new project and the information available after registration.

1.Login/Register in the platform

2. Go to Project section from menu

3. Press click on "New Project" and after redirect fills all required information:

Team - Allocate members in the team to work on this new project

Project Name - fill with the name of the project from the contract a representative name

Client - Select the client from CRM

Price - fill with the price stipulated in the contract

Officer - select the owner/officer of the project

Priority - choose a priority level

Status - choose the status of the project at that moment

Start Date - fill with the date when will start working on it

End Date - fill with the date when must be done stipulated in the contract

Description - fill with all the requests from the contract


If you navigate in the overview of the project will be able to see all the above pieces of information and a lot of charts with stats, activity history, costs, time spent, tasks and many more




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